Category Archives: Jew Hatred

The Day After Election Day

It’s a rainy Wednesday morning in Rehovot, and the US election is undecided. I have made my preference for Donald Trump clear. I understand the reasons that many Americans oppose him, but they are focusing on the media-amplified and distorted … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, American politics, Iran, Jew Hatred, Middle East politics | 6 Comments

Roosevelt and the Jews

My grandparents adored Franklin D. Roosevelt. If he had lived to run, they would have voted for a fifth term. They came to America from Russia around 1910, and worked as sewing machine operators in the NY garment district. My … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, American politics, Jew Hatred, War | 4 Comments

Unfinished Business

Who remembers Jonathan Pollard? He spied on the US for Israel. Despite insinuations to the contrary, he did not cause the exposure and murder of American agents in Russia (spy Aldrich Ames, now serving a life sentence, cast suspicion on … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, Jew Hatred | 8 Comments

Another Soft Enemy

Not long ago I wrote about one of Israel’s “soft enemies,” who choose to fight the Jewish state with money rather than bullets and explosives: the European Union. Indeed, the European Union has just demonstrated its hostility by threatening to … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred | 2 Comments

Anti-Zionism isn’t Antisemitism – but it Doesn’t Matter

There has rarely been a more pointless dispute than the one over whether anti-Zionism is antisemitism. The answer is easy, and it has two parts: a) no, they are not the same, and b) it doesn’t matter. What is anti-Zionism? … Continue reading

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The West is Lost

Western civilization is going down. I predict a sudden drop in world population, a result of epidemics, hunger, environmental catastrophes, and perhaps wars, followed by a dark age that may last hundreds or thousands of years. Although we have the … Continue reading

Posted in American society, Israeli Society, Jew Hatred, The Future | 3 Comments

Being an Ally Works Both Ways

In a recent column, Hen Mazzig takes some Jews to task for failing to support “Black Lives Matter.” Just because a few “fringe activists” have tried to inject the Palestinian issue into the justified cause of black people being disproportionately … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, Information war, Jew Hatred | 5 Comments

My Tuesday Morning

We found a chair on Tuesday morning. In Israel, unlike the USA, most people don’t have garages, basements, or attics to fill up with junk. When something is no longer useful to them, they often put it out on the … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Society, Jew Hatred, Post-Zionism | 4 Comments