Category Archives: Jew Hatred

How to Survive in the Middle East

Last week, after a terrorist attack in Beer Sheva that took four lives, I (rhetorically) asked our leadership if they had a plan to deal with Arab terrorism, something more long-range than beefing up the police presence over Ramadan. Since … Continue reading

Posted in Israel and Palestinian Arabs, Israeli Arabs, Jew Hatred, Terrorism | 6 Comments

Special: Don’t Appease the Wokeness Crocodile

I virtually never publish guest posts. But this one was so good, perfectly puncturing the bubble of stupidity surrounding the non-question “are Jews white?” that has given rise to tens of thousands of mostly nonsensical words, that I couldn’t resist. … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred, Wokeness | 1 Comment

Amnesty and its Israeli Collaborators

The recent Amnesty International report which accuses Israel of apartheid and crimes against humanity is demonstrably dishonest, tendentious, and so lacking in context to be unworthy of serious consideration. Indeed, it has even been called “a paradigmatic example of anti-semitism … Continue reading

Posted in Diplomatic warfare, Europe and Israel, Israel and Palestinian Arabs, Jew Hatred, Post-Zionism, The UN | 1 Comment

Standing Together

I still follow the rabbi of the largest (Reform) synagogue in the small California city where I lived before returning to Israel some 8 years ago. Yesterday, I saw that he wrote on his Facebook page that he and his … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, Jew Hatred, The UN | 3 Comments

Pity is not an Antidote for Contempt, and Respect is Better than Friendship

Mickey Levy, the Speaker of the Knesset, went to Germany on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and spoke to the Bundestag, the German parliament – in Hebrew. He ended his speech with a recitation of the Kaddish, during which his voice … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred | 7 Comments

The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is Back

Do human stupidity and wickedness have any bounds? After reading the comprehensive Wikipedia article about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, I have to answer a resounding “no.” The Protocols, from its its first publication in Russia in 1903 … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred | 2 Comments

Should American Jews Worry About Antisemitism?

A recent survey tells us that more than 90% of American Jews are “concerned” about antisemitism, and almost half of them have experienced it either directly, or “through family or friends.” I wondered if things were better or worse for … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, Jew Hatred | 2 Comments

Disappearing the Jews

On any scale of importance, the absurdity that the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures somehow ignored the fact that Jews, most of them running from antisemitic Eastern Europe, created the industry ex nihilo in the face of still more … Continue reading

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