Category Archives: Jew Hatred

“The Axis” vs. the Jews of Judea and Samaria

Psychological warfare is not all that different in organization from the kinetic kind. There are campaigns and objectives. Recently the objective of our enemies – the Arab-European axis of antisemitism – has been to destroy the legitimacy of the Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Europe and Israel, Information war, Israel and Palestinian Arabs, Jew Hatred | 1 Comment

Life in the Stone Age

Almost every day that passes sees attempts to murder Jews, because they are Jews. Some of these can even be called attempts at mass murder. No, I am not only talking about rockets launched from the Gaza strip and aimed … Continue reading

Posted in Israel and Palestinian Arabs, Jew Hatred | 1 Comment

My Brush with Censorship

For the past seven years I’ve written a regular column for a newsletter that is distributed several times a year by the Jewish Federation in my home town in California. I write about what’s going on in Israel, explain our … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, Iran, Israel and Palestinian Arabs, Jew Hatred, The Jewish people | 7 Comments

Understanding Israel-Hatred

The state of Israel has been in existence only for 73 years. The Zionist project has been around for somewhat longer, beginning in the 19th century. Since 1860, some 116,000 Jews and Arabs have lost their lives in wars, terrorism, … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Diplomatic warfare, Europe and Israel, Iran, Israeli or Jewish History, Jew Hatred, Terrorism, The Jewish people, War, Zionism | 1 Comment

Two Principles

All of my writing is informed by two principles. The first, both logically and rhetorically, is that there is no moral principle more important than the value of preserving the Jewish people. This is axiomatic for me: if we don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred, The Jewish people, Zionism | 4 Comments

American Liberal Judaism Saws Off the Memetic Branch It’s Sitting On

Islam is on track to become the world’s most widespread religious faith and will probably surpass Christianity in number of believers by 2070. There are many reasons for this. One way to explain the growth or decline of a religious … Continue reading

Posted in American Jews, American society, Islam, Jew Hatred, The Jewish people | Comments Off on American Liberal Judaism Saws Off the Memetic Branch It’s Sitting On

Antisemitism and the Jewish State

Jews have always been in the minority in their temporary diasporic homes, and so they have usually been at the mercy of antisemites. If at a given time and place they are not actively persecuted, the possibility of persecution always … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Hatred, The Diaspora, Zionism | 4 Comments

How They Did It

Between 1967 and 2021, the enemies of the Jewish state and the Jewish people created in effect an army of anti-Israel operatives in key positions in Western societies, including Israel herself. These operatives are often opinion leaders who influence the … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Information war, Jew Hatred, The UN, Wokeness | 2 Comments